Toasted Egg Breakfast Sandwich — Medical Weight Loss Clinic

1 Nutritional Supplement
*Refer to Individual Meal Plan for Protein Count*

Suitable for all Freedom and Fast Track meal plans


1 MWLC Pancake Nutritional Supplement
½ cup Water
½ tsp Vanilla Extract
½ packet of Splenda (optional)
Unflavored Non-Stick Cooking Spray
1 Egg
½ tsp fresh herbs or Mrs. Dash Blend of choice


Combine MWLC Pancake Nutritional Supplement using ½ cup water, vanilla extract and Splenda (optional) until thoroughly mixed. Spray a coffee mug with unflavored non-stick cooking spray and pour pancake mix into the mug and microwave for 2 minutes.  Use a butter knife to loosen the sides and invert the mug onto a plate.  Slice the pancake in half so you have 2 full size circular pancakes. Toast the pancakes until desired crispness is achieved.

Combine your egg with your herbs or Mrs. Dash.  Pour the egg mixture into another similar sized coffee mug sprayed with unflavored non-stick cooking spray and microwave for 1 minute.  Loosen the egg with a butter knife and invert onto one of the toasted pancake halves.

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